16 Countries
In a School bus


This is our biggest project yet!
Learn more below


We Create Real, Honest Adventures

We’re here to create adventures that don't cost a life's savings. Adventures that test you and force you to grow. And most importantly, we show every slip, stumble, struggle, and awkward fart in an elevator along the way!

So what is the Global Convoy?

We had Global Convoy friends from around the world answer our most common questions for you.

What do people think?


Awards & Accolades

Our Most Recent Adventure


Folks who’ve helped us in the past


Our First Adventure

The Official Documentary of our original ‘Round The World’ Adventure


Available on Amazon Prime Video in the USA, UK, Japan and more…

🇺🇸 US Release
🇬🇧+🇯🇵 UK, Japan and others Release


So whatever we’re up to…

…We are the Global Convoy. And you’re more than welcome to join.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the things you did do